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Learning with different approaches.

November 2022

How to Catch a Star by Oliver Jeffers. 

I love this author.

I love this author.

Our last story. Hey, do you remember?

Shhhhh, let´s start!!!

And we go on with clothing. Here the link for the song we were practicing these days. Sing, dance and have fun!!! Bye.


Our new story. Froggy Gets Dressed.

Do you remember? ( 16-11-21)

This second week of November we will practice possessive adjectives. Try together!!!
This second week of November we will practice possessive adjectives. Try together!!!
Saxon Genitive. Possessions.

Saxon Genitive. Possessions.

Whose is that jumper?

Saxon Genitive. Natural grammar.

Starting phonics in November 2022.

Group 1: s, a, t, i, p, n.

Word Bank – increases as each letter sound is taught

Some words are underlined. These words tend to give an inaccurate pronunciation. However, the pronunciations are so close that the children are able to 'tweak' them and read them, especially if the words are in their vocabulary. Initially, it is sensible to make sure the children know how to blend the words that are not underlined before using the underlined ones.

The underlined words fall into different types, such as:-

• as, resist, is etc. – the /s/ sound is more like a light /z/ sound

• pasta, lemon, attack, packet etc. – in many words, a vowel is not always pronounced accurately and makes an /uh/ type of sound. This is known as a schwa. Sometimes it can even sound a bit like a different vowel, as in packet /pacit/. This causes a few problems with reading but makes spelling much harder.

• ink, tank, sunk, etc. – the is pronounced /ngk/ - there are few problems for reading and the spelling difficulties can be overcome by teaching the children to write when they hear /ngk/, and learn the odd one that does not follow this advice, such as 'uncle'.

• sense, sneeze, mouse, cassette, opposite, etc. – the on the end gives no sound but the word can be heard after blending the letter sounds that come before the.

• apple, kennel, devil, royal, cheerful, etc. – these all have an /lll/ sound at the end. The children cope well for reading but have to remember which alternative to use for spelling.

• catch, pitch, hutch, etc. – the is not pronounced.

• doctor, collar, - the and have an /er/ sound. Again spelling is more of a problem than reading. • salt, alter, walrus, etc. – the give an /or/ sound but the is also pronounced.

• bold, told, sold, etc. – the is not a /o/ or an /oa/. It is in-between these two sounds and only becomes more difficult when spelling.

• blue grew, rude, etc. – have an /oo/ sound rather than a /ue/ sound.

• fast, class, path, etc. – children with a northern accent have no problems with these words. In the south, the words are pronounced with an /ar/ sound. Most southern children can 'tweak' the pronunciation and cope well with these words, especially when it has been explained in class.

"s" sound; alternative spellings: Sc, c, ss, ce, st, se.

"i" sound.

"a" sound.

"p" sound; alternative spelling: pp.

"t" sound; alternative spelling: tt.

"n" sound; alternative spelling: nn, kn.

And a bit of practice. 

Some alternative spelling.

Some alternative spelling.

From sounds to words.

A little more of Phonics.


When 2 vowels go walking the first does the talking.

"ai" sound

Remember: "ai", "ay", "ae", "a-e" have the same sound.

Remember: "ai", "ay", "a-e" have the same sound.

"a-e" is the rule of 3.

However, remember there are always exceptions. It is the case of "au", "are" and "air" which are different sounds. Those and some others! Oops, sorry.

Playing games is easier.

Playing games is easier.


Time to print and practice just as we do. Group 1.

Time to print and practice just as we do. Group 1.

Group 2. Play with these fans to make words.

Group 2. Play with these fans to make words.

"p", "n", "k", "e", "h" sounds.

Adding new possible words.

Adding new possible words.

Group 2 link sounds k, e, h...

"k" sound; alternative spelling: c, ch, ck.

"e" sound.

"h" sound.

Group 3, 4 and more links to:

  U4: Jobs

... Let us finish and we will add more. 

When you grow big and tall.

Indian accent

to practice comparatives.


And our next story will be...

Here we go!!!

It is a good way to distinguish the main parts of a story.

Some classic but unforgettable approaches like TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE

Songs for grammar.

Tense: will ( future)

Different types of activities.
Different types of activities.